Meet the Media: Benjamin Bornstein

For this week’s Meet the Media, we’d like you to meet Benjamin Bornstein, a sports columnist for Project Spurs.
Ben Bornstein Meet the Media1. How did you find yourself as a sports columnist for Project Spurs?
I found them on Twitter during a summer break from college. The San Antonio Spurs is my favorite team, so I just asked if I could do some writing for them and they liked me enough to keep me on.
2. Which of your stories are you most proud of?
The ones that require a lot of research and watching film. I’m also proud of an interview I did with former Florida State University football coach, Bobby Bowden.
3. What is your favorite thing about your job?
It gives me a reason to watch all the college basketball and NBA I can handle. I also end up watching college basketball games I wouldn’t otherwise, especially West Coast games since those are so late. Those usually end up on the DVR.
4. What is your interview style?
I try to avoid yes or no questions and ask something that will lead to a lengthier answer. After that I pretty much react to the answer as best as possible and try to follow up if it’s something interesting. I also make sure I have some questions about the interviewee’s back story.
5. What do you look for in a story?
Most of the writing I do for Project Spurs is for a feature column predicting NBA Draft prospects. However, when I am writing on another topic I look for how it might affect the people reading it, how it might affect the subject of the story and if it’s a story that will make people more knowledgeable or more informed.
6. What is your day like at your job?
My day job is something completely different, but it does prepare me well for the interviewing and writing process. I am asking questions all the time and getting information in order to put a plan or action into motion. For Project Spurs, it is a lot of watching basketball games, doing research and putting it all together to make a coherent story.
7. Who do you most look up to in the journalism industry?
I really like Jeremy Schaap’s work at ESPN as well as Richard Deitsch’s, who is no longer with Sports Illustrated. They do excellent work and really dig into the story they are covering, giving people a perspective they wouldn’t normally have. They both always end up with the best stories too, which certainly helps.
8. What is your favorite news outlet?
My favorite news outlet is honestly Twitter, but a lot of the people I follow for my news are affiliated with ESPN and CBS Sports.
9. Fill in the blank:

  • If I am not reporting, I am… Playing or watching basketball.
  • If I could interview anyone, it would be… Former San Antonio Spur, Tim Duncan.
  • My favorite thing about Atlanta is… The different seasons! Coming from Florida, there was pretty much only one season and now I can get a broader spectrum of weather. It’s pretty great!

10. What is your guilty pleasure?
Listening to 80s and 90s one-hit-wonders and watching super terrible television shows.
Check out our last Meet the Media where we spotlighted Elisabeth Kramer, managing editor at ParentMap.
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