Media Monday: Connie Adams, Seattle DINING!

Each Monday, we’re giving readers a chance to get to know the media a little better.

With a little flair.

Our goal is to give readers some insight into the work and work style of area journalists, and get to know a little bit about the person behind the byline. Start your week off with an online networking opportunity through our Media Monday blog post.

This Week: Connie Adams Seattle DINING! 

Connie AdamsConnie has been writing about the restaurant industry since 1999 when she jumped in head first and wrote nearly 2,000 restaurant descriptions for Since then she has written for,, Wine Press Northwest and local newspapers. In 2004, she joined Mixed Media as the editor and marketing/promotions director of Seattle DINING!, an online magazine about food and beverage in the Northwest. In addition, she assists as editor of Sound RIDER!, Mixed Media’s online magazine about motorcycling in the Northwest. Connie also co-created and manages the fundraiser Cooking with Class, now in its twelfth year.

Q: What’s your favorite story you’ve done in the last week?

A: Chef Lisa Nakamura of Allium on Orcas Island (closed in 2013). I’ve interviewed her twice before, so it’s fascinating to see the changes she’s gone through, lessons learned through her jobs and how she’s ended up owning her own place. That’s what I like: the personal story.

Q: What skills do new journalists need?

A: An interest in everything around them, great listening skills, the desire and ability to tell a great story—finding that piece of information that will hook the reader.

Q: If you weren’t working at your current job, what would you be doing?

A: I’d find another place to write. I also do an annual fundraiser, so I might do more events.

Q: Finish this sentence: “A good PR person is …”

A: … able to tell the story of their client in a way that makes everyone want to get closer to them.

Q: What hidden talent or skill do you have that readers don’t know about you?

A: I ride a motorcycle (although I just sold mine last month).

The PR Pro Takeaway: Great advice to other PR Pros that a pitch needs a story and the story needs to be compelling. Connie has great experience but her focus is centered on food so keep that in mind when pitching her. Another hint is to offer her a very fast ride!