[Fresh Press] Workforce Wellness, Burgers in Whole Foods and the New Owners of Media+

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SEPT 29, A Week of [Fresh Press]


[Fresh Press] Suzanne Anderson, the first female president of Virginia Mason Medical Center
Suzanne Anderson, Photo courtesy of Virginia Mason

HuffPost: Women in Business Q&A: Suzanne Anderson, President, Virginia Mason Medical Center

Get to know Suzanne Anderson, the first female president of Virginia Mason Medical Center, in this Q&A piece from Laura Emily Dunn, a contributor at HuffPost.

“I was taught that hard work and a very pragmatic view of life can get you through almost anything. I think that perspective is helpful in health care today, as there is a lot of work to do to make care better, but with limited resources,” Anderson says.


[Fresh Press] offering healthcare benefits to five generations of employees

HR Dive: Navigating 5 generations in the workforce

Lori Casselman, the Chief Health Officer of League Inc., a digital health platform, shares her insight on a big issue facing employers. Casselman notes, for the first time in history, five generations will soon be working side-by-side. This poses one of the biggest challenges facing HR teams today. How do HR leaders fairly accommodate five generations with health benefits, wellness programs, work-site perks and the like? The stark differences between generations, specifically millennials and baby boomers often means companies find themselves struggling.


FoodDive.com: Taking it to the Next Level: How Whole Foods partnered with a red-hot vegan burger joint

Erika Dimmler, a spokeswoman for Whole Foods, told Food Dive that aside from making tasty burgers, Next Level also aligned with standards the grocer maintains throughout its stores.

[Fresh Press] Next Level Burger Opens in Whole Foods in Seattle

“One of the things we really loved about Next Level Burger was its focus on organic produce,” she said. “They make that a priority along with non-GMO ingredients. Then the whole clean-eating model is a pretty natural fit for Whole Foods Market.”

Seattle Greenlaker: What To Expect When Going To A Plant-Based Burger Joint

Next Level Burger, or “NLB” as the owners and staff sometimes refer to it, is the nation’s first plant-based burger joint. Their new location in the Roosevelt Square Whole Foods is the first outside of Oregon, where the company got its start.

“Next Level Burger isn’t about what you’re not going to get, it’s about what you’re going to get,” founder Matt de Gruyter says. “You can take the same expectations (sans the bison burger) that you would take into any awesome burger joint that’s rocking awesome ingredients, and not even have to give a second thought to the fact that all of it’s made out of plants.”


Seattle PI: Connelly: GOP health bill means ‘devastating cuts’

Washington State Medical Association (WSMA) is a professional organization that represents the interests and priorities of all physicians in the state. This week, WSMA weighed in on the new healthcare bill proposed in the U.S. Senate, warning that “devastating cuts will hit health care in Washington if Congress adopts the Republican-sponsored Graham-Cassidy bill to replace Obamacare”.

“The bill’s proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion and replace with block grants would result in massive cuts to our Medicaid program,” WSMA President Dr. Shane Macaulay warned in a statement.


Puget Sound Business Journal: The next generation steps up at Media+

In an interview with staff writer, Julia Martinez, Media+ two new owners, Mary Ann Grajek and Lauren Ramaska share how they worked their way up from the bottom to where they are today. Media+ is one of the largest independently owned media agencies in the Pacific Northwest. The duo who started worked at Media+ years ago, said the culture at the all-woman company is what kept them there.

“We definitely have a culture of empowering women — especially now that we’re in leadership,” Ramaska said. “It’s something we’re really proud of.”


Catch up with the Sept 22th [FRESH PRESS] here.