Media Monday: Taylor Graham

For this week’s Media Monday, we’d like you to meet Taylor Graham, reporter at NBC Montana.

Taylor Graham Media Monday

  1. How did you find yourself at NBC Montana? 

I wanted to find a job that related to my communication degree from Washington State University. Being a broadcast journalism major, I knew I was going to start in a smaller market — that’s just the way it works in this industry! It seems crazy, but ESPN doesn’t seem to offer jobs to kids right out of college… Montana is similar to Washington in a lot of ways, so I knew I’d feel at home here. Once I talked to the people at NBC Montana, it felt like a great fit.

  1. Which of your stories are you most proud of?

This month I’ve been following a family whose relative fought in the Korean War, and was pronounced dead in 1953. This year, his remains were found and identified. His family got to celebrate his life and legacy at his burial last weekend. I felt proud to share this family’s story with the community. The whole process brought them closure and answers to questions they’ve had for years. It was really special.

  1. What is your favorite thing about your job?

I love that I never feel stuck in a routine as a reporter. Everyday I come to work, I know I’ll experience something different than the day before. It’s definitely not a boring desk job.

  1. What is your interview style?

I like to start with a few simple questions to get oriented with the story and the person I’m talking with. After that, I like to let the conversation flow. It might lead to a new angle on the story, or another story idea.

  1. What do you look for in a story?

I try look for stories that have a widespread impact on the Montana community, or stories that would surprise a lot of people across Montana.

  1. What is your day like at your job?

Like I said before, my job is awesome because every day is different, but there are some consistencies! My day always goes by pretty fast because I’m constantly doing something. Each day, I pitch my story ideas to the news director. Going from there, I set up the necessary interviews, film and edit the story, then go live for the 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. news. After that, I write the story for the web and post it online.

  1. Who do you most look up to in the journalism industry?

I really enjoy Steve Hartman from CBS News. He’s a great storyteller. He finds these amazing stories about people across the nation in his segment “On the Road.” Every story he does either makes me smile or cry. I also love Hannah Storm from ESPN. She sets the tone for women in sports journalism.

  1. What is your favorite news outlet?

I like to get my news from a bunch of different outlets. My favorites are VICE News, Buzzfeed, NBC and ESPN.

  1. Fill in the blank:
    1. If I am not reporting, I am…watching a true crime documentary on Netflix.
    2. If I could interview anyone, it would be…Lionel Richie.
    3. My favorite thing about Seattle is…that there’s something for everyone.
  1. What is your guilty pleasure?

Tearing up the lanes at the local bowling alley.